Glen Ridge Athletic Association Basketball - Co-Commissioners Julia Javier & Colin Convey
2025 Skills & Drills Basketball Registration
GRAA Travel Basketball Game Schedule
GRAA Rec Basketball Game Schedule

Glen Ridge Little Ballers,
Glen Ridge Basketball’s Skills & Drills Program is BACK!
Girls and Boys, Grades 1-3.
Sunday only sessions for 7 weeks starting in January 2025 (1/5, 1/12, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16)
Sessions will be 70-minutes long and take place at the Ridgewood Avenue School lower gym.
Sessions will be on Sundays as follows:
12:05 pm - 1:15 pm Boys Grade 1
1:20 pm - 2:30 pm Girls Grades 1
2:35 pm - 3:45 pm Girls Grades 2/3
3:50 pm - 4:50 pm Boys Grade 2/3
The sessions will be run by a trainer assisted by parent volunteers.
Registration Fee: $80
Come get dribbling with your friends!
SIGN UP NOW! Regular registration closes 1/1/25 at 11:59 pm.
Starting 1/2/25 a 30% late fee will apply until 1/11/25 at 11:59pm
Questions? Please email basketball@graa.org
Financial Aid
The GRAA proudly offers Financial Aid confidentially to any participant family with financial need. Please apply for financial aid before registering for the sport. Please visit https://graa.org/aid/
GRAA Basketball is proud to offer 3 levels of programs for girls and boys from 1st to 8th grade:
Basketball Skills & Drills
- Goal: Learning and practicing basketball skills
- Grades: 1st - 3rd grade
- Season: January - February
- Registration Period: December
- Skills required: No skills required
- Practices: Weekends
- Games: None
- Tryouts: No
- Coaching: 2-3 weeks of professional coach to start, then parent run
Rec Basketball (In-town)
- Goal: Give GR kids opportunity to play 'casually' against each other on fairly equal teams.
- Grades: 3rd - 8th grade
- Season: January - March
- Registration Period: December
- Skills required: No skills required
- Practices: No
- Games: Weekend games (Boys play on Saturdays / Girls play on Sundays)
- Tryouts: No
- Coaching: Parent Coaches
Travel Basketball
- Goal: To create a competitive team to compete in the league versus others towns
- Grades: 3rd - 8th grade
- Season: End November - Mid-March
- Registration Period: October/November
- Skills required: Yes
- Practices: 2 times per week
- Games: Weekends and weekdays, schedule made by league.
- Tryouts: Yes there is a set number of spots available. Tryouts will determine which children make the travel team. Students that do not make the travel team can participate in the Recreational Basketball team.
- Coaching: Parent Coaches

This is a BOE policy not a GRAA policy. We are not allowed to prop open the doors to let kids into practice. At the rear RAS gym entrance there is a bell to ring for the custodian to let kids in. We recommend once the first coach or player is in to stand by the door to let subsequent players/coaches in.
Glen Ridge gym space is limited and GRAA is given gym space by the Board of Education. GRAA Basketball does its best to assign the limited resources to its teams. Generally older age teams will practice at GRHS while younger teams practice at RAS. Sometime due to scheduling issues this could be reversed. Younger teams are also given earlier practice slots while older teams will get later slots. At GRHS if a team has the front gym for their 1st practice of the week, they will be in the back gym for the 2nd practice of the week.
Please visit contact.graa.org
Travel Basketball Uniform Size Charts

Latest Basketball News
Julia Javier & Colin Convey
GRAA Basketball Co-Commissioners
Basketball Sport Board Members - Josh Brodsky, Tricia Greene, Kearstin Harrington, Andrew Minora, Tina Payne