GRAA Board Leverages Surveys for Valuable Parent Feedback:
The GRAA Board actively seeks feedback from parents regarding their experiences with GRAA Sports through comprehensive surveys. These surveys are sent to all registered families of each sport at the end of every season, ensuring a broad and representative sampling of opinions.
Utilizing Survey Results:
The dedicated GRAA Board Survey subcommittee diligently analyzes the feedback and comments received. Key points and recurring themes are then presented to the respective sport commissioners for further discussion and improvement of the sport. Importantly, the subcommittee safeguards the anonymity of parents and guardians by refraining from sharing direct quotes in their reports.
Addressing Anonymous Complaints:
The GRAA Board takes all matters raised seriously, including anonymous complaints. In such instances, the Board initiates a thorough investigation to understand the issue and determine appropriate next steps. While anonymity is respected, the Board strives to gather sufficient information to effectively address the concern.