GRAA Policy: Registrations
The Glen Ridge Athletic Association offers a registration process via GRAA website. Active Members may register their children (based on “Article III Membership” from the GRAA By-Laws) for available sports programs within the GRAA, which will be accessible via the website, or via link sent by the respective sports commissioner. All in-town program registrations are open to all Glen Ridge youth in the specified age group; travel registrations are extended to those who are selected after a tryout open to all Glen Ridge youth.
GRAA Policy: Refunds
The Glen Ridge Athletic Association provides refunds to Active Members. The amount of refund will be adjusted by a set transaction fee of $10 (“Transaction Fee”), since our registrations use a 3rd party application to collect fees, which incurs a cost per transaction to the GRAA. The following are scenarios for refunds:
- If a player decides he or she wishes to drop out from a sports program, and the season has not begun, including practices, GRAA will refund the full registration fee less the Transaction Fee.
- If a player decides he or she wishes to drop out from a sports program after the season has begun, the refund amount will be at the discretion of the particular sports commissioner. This adjusted amount is based on time and funds spent on that player for trainer-led practices, league fees, and team apparel, if applicable.
- If a player decides he or she wishes to drop out from a sports program, but the player has participated in more than 50% of the season, no refund will be issued.
GRAA Policy: Financial Aid
The Glen Ridge Athletic Association has a process by which Active Members with a demonstrated financial hardship can seek assistance paying for their registration fees. To apply, Active Members must fill out the Financial Aid form and such applications will be reviewed by the GRAA Treasurer and President. At their discretion, they may seek additional documentation to substantiate (as needed) the Active Member’s request. This process in confidential.
GRAA Policy: Scholarships
The Glen Ridge Athletic Association provides a number of sports / academic based scholarships each year in May for Glen Ridge High School seniors that submit a formal application on the GRAA.org website.