Glen Ridge Athletic Association Baseball - Commissioner Erick VanTuyl
Bloomfield-Glen Ridge Little League
2025 Wiffle Ball Standings
2025 Wiffle Ball Schedule
Bloomfield-Glen Ridge Little League 2025

Subject line: BGR Little League registration is now OPEN
Body copy:
Registration for the 2025 Bloomfield-Glen Ridge Little League baseball season is now open! The league gives kids of all ability levels a chance to play the game and develop their skills in a fun, supportive environment.
Registration will close on Feb. 21 at 10pm SHARP. No registrations will be accepted after this time.
Who can play: Any child born between Sept. 1, 2011, and August 31, 2020, who lives in or goes to school in Bloomfield or Glen Ridge. Proof of residence or school attendance is required.
Cost: Early-bird pricing of $120 for 1 player and $60 for each additional player will be available through Jan. 15. Beginning Jan. 16, the regular pricing will be $140 for 1 player and $75 for each additional player.
What you’ll need handy during registration: A completed Little League medical release form, a copy of your child’s birth certificate, and proof of residency.
Where to register: Click here to register.
If you’re able to serve as either a coach or assistant coach, we encourage you to volunteer. To do so, please complete the volunteer section when registering your child. We’ll need volunteers at all age levels and anyone helping on a team will need to complete a form.
If you’re considering coaching and want to learn more before you decide, we’re hosting a happy hour for potential coaches on Thursday, Jan. 9, from 7pm-9pm at Town Pub in Bloomfield. We’re also planning a coaching clinic for early February to ensure that anyone interested in coaching feels equipped to do so.
The big things most parents want from Little League – from rosters small enough to give everyone enough playing time, to friend requests (see details on those below) – really depend on getting enough volunteer coaches.
Can I request a specific coach or team, or for my child to play with a friend?
For the 5u to 8u age groups: Yes, there is a spot for such requests in the registration form. Please be sure to make any such requests during registration as they cannot be added later. Requests are fulfilled on a best effort and are not guaranteed.
For the 9u to 13u age groups: No, these players will have a tryout and be drafted by a coach. Once teams are established, no trades are permitted.
(See the LLB age chart to determine your child’s league age.)
Can my child play up at a higher age group?
No, the league will not consider any such requests, regardless of grade or ability level.
When will I find out which team my child is on?
Coaches will get their team assignments by March 9. If you do not hear from a coach, please email littleleaguevolunteer@gmail.com for assistance.
When are practices and games?
Practices typically start in mid-March, and are dependent on the coach’s availability and field availability. Historically, the game schedule has been:
5u: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
6u: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
7u: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday
8u: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
9/10u: Tuesday, Thursday
11/12u: Monday, Wednesday
These are subject to change based on the number of registrants in each age group.
What is the general objective for each age group?
5u: Tee-ball and basic fundamentals – how to hold a bat, swing, run to first, catch and throw
6u: Tee-ball with introduction to coach toss
7u: Coach pitch
8u: Kid pitch – if the child pitcher throws 4 balls, the coach finishes the batter until a hit or strikeout
9/10u: Full kid pitch with limited stealing of bases
11/12u: Full kid pitch with unlimited stealing of bases
What equipment does the league supply and what do I need to get my child?
The league supplies the coach a first aid kit, balls, a couple of team bats and helmets. We also supply a team shirt and hat for the 5-8u teams and team shirt, hat, belt and socks for 9-13u. Your child will need their own glove. We generally recommend getting your child their own helmet due to sanitary issues. Most prefer to use their own bat, which must be a USA Baseball bat. If it doesn’t have a USA Baseball sticker on the bat, it is not allowed.
Key dates:
Jan. 15: Early registration discount ends.
Feb. 21: Registration closes at 10 pm SHARP. We cannot accept registrants past this date as rosters will be built shortly after closing.
March 2: Assessments take place for the 9u-13u divisions at Bloomfield Middle School. Times for each age group will be sent out at a later date.
March 9: All coaches and players will be notified of their team placement.
April 5: Opening Day parade (there will be a break in the schedule during the week of April 14 for the Bloomfield and Glen Ridge School District spring break).
June 14: End of year picnic at Vassar Field

GRAA Baseball is thrilled to announce the launch of our new, indoor winter wiffle ball league. Wiffle ball has surged in popularity across the U.S., evolving from a simple backyard version of baseball to a game with leagues of its own, from local rec to the pros.
Whether your child is a seasoned baseball player or new to the game, this league promises fun, friendly competition, and a great way to stay active during the winter months.
Who: Any child in grades 2 through 8; must either reside in Glen Ridge or be enrolled in GR schools.
What: We’ll form small teams to play casual weekly games, likely 4-5 players per team depending on registration numbers and gym availability. We’ll have more details to share on game format, divisions and teams closer to the start of the season. You can request a teammate, and we will try our best to
accommodate requests, but we cannot guarantee anything.
When: 8-week season to begin the first weekend in January through mid-March (avoiding holiday weekends). We’re aiming for Sunday afternoons, but may need to make some adjustments depending on registration numbers and gym availability. If participating teams agree to reschedule and we have
gym/personnel availability, other days of the week are a possibility.
Where: Ridgewood Avenue School. No travel - this is an in-town league only.
How: Register here no later than Sunday, Dec. 22. The fee for the season is $80 per player. Players will receive wiffle ball league t-shirts (which parents can personalize on their own if you like) and will not need to bring any equipment - we’ll supply the wiffle bats, balls and strike zones.
GRAA Baseball is thrilled to announce the launch of our new, indoor winter wiffle ball league. Wiffle ball has surged in popularity across the U.S., evolving from a simple backyard version of baseball to a game with leagues of its own, from local rec to the pros.
Whether your child is a seasoned baseball player or new to the game, this league promises fun, friendly competition, and a great way to stay active during the winter months.
Who: Any child in grades 2 through 8; must either reside in Glen Ridge or be enrolled in GR schools.
What: We’ll form small teams to play casual weekly games, likely 4-5 players per team depending on registration numbers and gym availability. We’ll have more details to share on game format, divisions and teams closer to the start of the season. You can request a teammate, and we will try our best to
accommodate requests, but we cannot guarantee anything.
When: 8-week season to begin the first weekend in January through mid-March (avoiding holiday weekends). We’re aiming for Sunday afternoons, but may need to make some adjustments depending on registration numbers and gym availability. If participating teams agree to reschedule and we have
gym/personnel availability, other days of the week are a possibility.
Where: Ridgewood Avenue School. No travel - this is an in-town league only.
How: Register here no later than Sunday, Dec. 22. The fee for the season is $80 per player. Players will receive wiffle ball league t-shirts (which parents can personalize on their own if you like) and will not need to bring any equipment - we’ll supply the wiffle bats, balls and strike zones.
We’re also looking for parent volunteers to help run the sessions. If you’re interested in volunteering, please let us know when you register or email us at baseball@graa.org. We will have a league official on site but we’ll need parent volunteers to help run the program. Let’s be honest, we all love wiffle ball
and maybe this will lead to a parents league…
Thanks and let’s play (wiffle) ball!
GRAA Baseball Board
Financial Aid
The GRAA proudly offers Financial Aid confidentially to any participant family with financial need. Please apply for financial aid before registering for the sport. Please visit https://graa.org/aid/
We’re also looking for parent volunteers to help run the sessions. If you’re interested in volunteering, please let us know when you register or email us at baseball@graa.org. We will have a league official on site but we’ll need parent volunteers to help run the program. Let’s be honest, we all love wiffle ball
and maybe this will lead to a parents league…
Thanks and let’s play (wiffle) ball!
GRAA Baseball Board
Financial Aid
The GRAA proudly offers Financial Aid confidentially to any participant family with financial need. Please apply for financial aid before registering for the sport. Please visit https://graa.org/aid/
Latest Baseball News
Erick VanTuyl
GRAA Baseball Commissioner
Baseball Sports Board Members - Brian Costa, Craig Ishill, Gil Maddock, Tim Welsh