Softball Spring 2024 Registration Now Open
Registration is now open for 2024 GRAA spring softball!
The last day to register for is February 23, 2024.
The GRAA softball program starts at 1st grade. We encourage Pre-K and K players to participate in tee ball with the GR Baseball program as part of Bloomfield Little League. Please visit the GRAA baseball page for additional information on registration.
1st Graders: we will be having an in-town clinic that meets once per week. It will be fun, constructive and focus on the fundamentals.
Grades 2 and up: GRAA softball teams will travel outside of Glen Ridge for approximately half of the games (but most towns are in close proximity). We will enter different leagues to accommodate our multiple teams at different age group combinations. For 3rd Grade and up, our Spring season will start with indoor sessions on March 19th and March 26th at Montclair Center Court. 1st and 2nd Graders will begin their seasons shortly after. The season will conclude at the end of May or early June.
1st Grade (Clinic) = $150, which includes a t-shirt, weekly sessions, necessary insurance and supplies for the season.
2nd-8th grades = $235 which covers our expenses for the leagues, umpires, insurance and supplies for the season.
Team Placement:
For Grades 2 – 8: Our intent is to place every player on a team and to maximize participation, skill development and competition.
We will have an Evaluation Session(s) with independent evaluators on March 5th and/or March 6th at Extra Innings in East Hanover to assist in sorting players at age/grade levels where we can field more than one team. Please hold these dates and we will reach out with more information to any players in the age ranges that require additional team sorting.
Additional information regarding purchasing a uniform will be provided shortly after registration. Uniforms for grades 2-8 are purchased separately at an additional cost.
Clinic players will be given a T-shirt to keep as part of their registration fees. They will not need an additional uniform.